Our Most Recent Reviews

All Product reviews published on our website are collected by Feefo.

Service and Product Reviews

Submitting a review – including any attachments and media – means you validate the following:

  • Your review is honest and true to your experience
  • You have the rights to any content you put up that will be publicly displayed
  • It is not guaranteed your content will be attributed to you, and may remain confidential at our discretion
  • Once provided, your content may be modified, published, reproduced, and distributed across the world for any purpose or medium as permitted by the law, and cannot be revoked

Any reviews we consider to be a violation of our moderation policy won’t be published. A review may also be investigated to verify its legitimacy.

Moderation Policy

Reviews submitted will be moderated and assessed for honesty and sincerity. Positive and negative feedback will then be published if deemed appropriate and respectful toward our stakeholders.

Any review content that is applicable to the following will be removed:

  • Spam and advertisement
  • Content deemed unlawful, misleading, profane, inappropriate, aggressive, or hateful
  • Slander towards a person’s race, ethnicity, or belief
  • Personal information – phone numbers, emails or addresses
  • Retail competitors
  • URLs and hyperlinks unless related to our content
  • Content submitted for the wrong product
  • Content relating to service or policies

If you disagree with our policies or have any queries in relation to your review, please contact us.

Certain reviews may be published once a modification has been made, such to comply with the above policies. Information that is not related to the product or service involved can be removed if the remaining content portrays the original intent. As an example, if a product review contains feedback in relation to service, we will consider deleting the service portion and accept the remaining product-related content.


Publishing Policy

As stated, a review will be accepted for publishing if it complies with the moderation policy. Content may then be modified or rejected if it doesn’t comply.


Star Rating Information

A 1-to-5-star rating system is requested for a product purchase or service review, 5 stars being the best. Ratings for a certain product are averaged and represented alongside the total number of published ratings. These details are displayed on a product search or product listing along with a detailed view of the reviews. They may also be displayed on other parts of the website, marketing and communication.